Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Vanity!

I found a KILLER deal on Craigslist today.  I have been looking for a Vanity forever, but they are either not my style or out of my price range by a few hundred dollars :/ Patience is a virtue though, as today I found the PERFECT one.  It even has dainty ornate roses on top of the mirror which match much of the other items in my room.  Even the stool appears to have a feminine dainty rose fabric atop. I am in love! Oh, and the price? $20!!!!!!!

Here is a close-up of the rose detailing on the mirror: (notice my bedding reflected):

Here is a close up of the stool and the fabric. So Pretty! 


I also added my trusty Conair lighted/magnifying make-up mirror so I can get ready easily in the morning. Might be a bit cluttered/mirror overkill, but this is sooooo much better than what I had before! I consistently left the house with foundation tell-tale lines on my jaw due to poor lighting/poor mirror set-up. Yay for Craigslist!

PS~ Sorry I am not yet used to adding pictures to blogs using the image tool on blogger, as I have only used photobucket/imageshack in the past. This blog post's format is really messy, so I apologize! I promise prettier/cleaner ones in the future ♥

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